If a female ferret goes into heat and does not mate, she dies.
How's that for a morbidly curious opening?!
Things are interesting around here at the moment. I turned down a job at a prestigious law firm in Melbourne to play 'good mum' to Spawn. It's not his fault though; I have to admit that turning it down was partly out of fear. I have no doubt that I could have found a way to manage Spawn's crazy school hours and everything else so that I COULD work - I just didn't really want to. I don't want to spend 2.5 hours a day (which equates to AT LEAST 12.5 hours a week, just quietly) commuting to work. Even if I would be doing amazing work that I love, that commuting would kill me. Spawn would be exhausted and no doubt grumpy after having such long days, and I would more than likely spend my weekends wanting to do nothing more than sleep. Never mind the therapy sessions I'd have to find the time to take Spawn to! Jeepers.
So yeah. That happened. Now I feel crap. Nothing worse than realising a dream needs to be postponed until certain circumstances change.
Enough gloom, for now!
Spawn has the big paediatrician appointment tomorrow. I've come to accept it! I have spent the past couple of weeks doing a LOT of research on medications associated with ADHD, along with other management methods. Hopefully the good Doctor is impressed with my research skills! :)
If we come to the conclusion that Spawn may be better off with medication, I can accept that. If we decide on an alternate method, I'm good with that too! I'm just ready to regain a little sanity, after several years of chaos!
As for the ASD aspect of things... I'm ready for that to go to the next level, should the Doctor feel it necessary. I have moments where I think to myself, "I don't see enough ASD traits in Spawn for a diagnosis..." Then there are days where it is super obvious that he could be on the spectrum, albeit on the super high functioning end. It's the behavioural diagnoses that make me happy; everything else is merely details. Details that may help us get funding, but nothing that really changes anything.
So this was a great ramble, wasn't it?! I forgot how good it feels to just write everything down and get it all out of my system! So relieving, like that first pee in the morning...
Peace out.
- L. x
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