Soo, I'm moving! ...5 minutes down the road, lol.
As some of you know, Spawn is a turd. Especially where our stairs are involved! So I made the decision to relocate to a single storey residence. Also thought I'd find a place that ticked a few boxes I've been missing, but alas. Beggars can't be choosers. (Really cannot wait to have a pantry again, though! Should have made sure that box was ticked before applying...)
I've already started doing the menial cleaning jobs, in the hopes it will make the final clean much easier. And I've packed most of the things we won't need for the next two weeks. It's been fun, and I'm grateful for Victoria's crappy cool weather! Making this so easy! (Will probably be a heatwave the weekend we actually move, lol!) I like cleaning and organising. It makes me feel good. And whilst I don't hoard, gosh I'm loving the excuse to cull unnecessary items! So freeing!
The downside to moving two weeks before Christmas? Being the kind of person who puts their tree up mid November, I've had to refrain from assembling it until we move. So instead of enjoying it for over a month, we'll be lucky to get two weeks out of it! Not even, seeing as we're off to Queensland a couple of days before Christmas. This makes me so sad! But at least putting the tree up in the new place will make it more homey quicker. Hopefully Spawn will settle in easily enough knowing that's where Christmas is! Hopefully.....
But yes. Packing. Packing sucks. Sure, it has its perks. But knowing I'm doing all this packing, only to have to unpack in a couple of weeks.... Not feeling it. Not at all.
At least I get a holiday a week later though. Need to remind myself of that lol.
Eh. Enough rambling! I attached a photo that shows an example of an afternoon's work. 😂 Talk soon, crazies.
Peace out.
- L. x
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