Saturday, 7 May 2016

A Letter To Someone Who Will (Probably) Never See This.

Dear ***

I know this is super random, but I am going through a phase at the moment (I'd call it growing up, but I did so much of that last year that if I grew up anymore, I'd need to check-in to a retirement centre). Thanks to timehop and Facebook's 'on this day', I'm seeing posts from around the time I found out I was pregnant with Spawn. With this, I'm realising that I never said thankyou. Thank you for being there when I found out I was pregnant. Thank you for reassuring me that everything will be fine. Thank you for helping me deal with sperm donor fallout, even though his pointless drama ended up being one of the reasons our friendship came to an end. Thank you for being there during those scary times, even though you had your own life to deal with.
I guess I just wanted to say thank you. Looking back, I feel like I may have taken your friendship for granted, but I just wanted to say that I didn't. That even now, seven years later, I still cherish it, along with all the crazy memories. You helped me get through some of the toughest times, and I will never forget that.


L. xx

P.S. all that drama at the end? I don't even know where to start with that. I feel like a certain two-faced person took advantage of what I now know to be pregnancy hormones and manipulated things to her advantage. Who even knows?! In the end, i just wanted all of it to stop. I'm sorry.

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