One day I realised it was week 10, in an 11 week trimester, and that I only have three trimesters until I graduate.
I pooped my pants a little bit.
The idea of being a mum AND a graduate teacher is actually terrifying. What if I don't get a contract? What if I suck and every prin in the state laughs at my resume? WHAT IF I HAVE A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN IN FOURTH YEAR?!!!!
Okay, so that's real terror. I've lost my appetite, that's how nervous I am. Yet it's still 18 months away! I need help. From professionals. With straight jackets. Why are straight jackets called straight jackets, anyway? They don't even keep you straight, they make you permanently hug yourself. Well, that's what they do in movies!
Also, one day I'm going to leave my phone's corrections in place and see what crazy messages it thinks I want to convey.
Yeah, I'm scattered today. Hello fifty million things on my mind, and only one brain to process it all! I need coffee.
Time to go feed the Spawn. Been a bad mum of late. Baaaaaad mum. She's a, baaaaaaaad mum.
Told you, utterly bonkers!
L. x