Friday, 13 February 2015

Stupid Feelings & Emotions.

So I had three job interviews on Tuesday... This was a super fun experience! ..err.

Anyway, one of the interviews turned out to be for a position I didn't really want, but as I can't afford to be picky, I went into the interview and gave it my best shot.
Apparently I NAILED the interview! Like, the guy would hire me as he could see me being a long-term employee at the firm. However between myself and the other girl he interviewed, he managed to decide to go down the traineeship path with the position I interviewed for, which obviously takes me (and the other girl) out of the running.

Has anyone ever experienced this bittersweet moment?? I'm so proud that my interview skills are improving significantly (and I seriously thought I did so bad in this interview - it was the last one of the day and I was super frazzled lol!) and that I was able to help the firm out, however I'm simultaneously excited AND bummed that I didn't get the job. :/
Ugh, feelings and emotions suck. o.O

This Friday afternoon ramble was proudly brought to you by Cadbury Chocolate, PMS, and silly Melbourne weather.

Peace out.

- L.

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