Wow. Finally, 2015 bit the dust. Cannot say I'm sad to see it go! Quite the contrary, really.
Let's recap.
The start of 2015 saw me a recent RMIT graduate, pumped to get a job at a corporate law firm where I could work my arse off and fulfil my career goals. It also saw me anxious to become mum to a school boy! (Although, I was more excited than anxious by this!) Things were shaping up to be great.
Then came the dramatic downward spiral of 2015. Once Spawn started school, it did not take long for his teacher to notice his behaviour was a little more erratic than your typical 5 year old. So she gently approached me and suggested I see a pediatrician and see if there could be an underlying issue causing his behaviour. Unbeknownst to me, this issue had also come up the year before whilst Spawn was in kinder, however the issue was never mentioned to me. 2015 could have been so much easier if Spawn's kinder teacher had told me about his behaviour!!!
Anyway, I'm usual!
So we got the necessary referrals and saw a behavioural specialist, which led to the events I blogged about last year, and subsequent diagnoses shopping list.
The diagnoses led to more testing through the department of education, as we needed a LOT of documentation to support the specialists reports in order to apply for school funding. Such a long process, by the way! We started in July, and all the documentation was finalised and sent off in early December! Kind of gives you an idea of how intense it is to try and get funding!
While all this was going on, I obviously had a lot to accept, learn and embrace. I had to realise my life would never be as easy as I imagined it would be. I would never work my arse off in a top tier corporate law firm. I would never be the shark I knew I could be. I would be me; mum to an amazing little boy with autism. As I had a lot of support from various parent groups on Facebook, I was able to embrace Spawn's diagnoses a little easier than many would, but it still cut me deep. Naturally, to learn your child is different and is in for a hard road, breaks your heart. I have cried, many times. I have stuck my head in the sand more times than I will ever admit, and I have come out the other side a better person because of it.
It is for this reason that I know 2016 will be a better year! Spawn has an amazing team of specialists on his side, helping him in every was possible, whilst helping me better understand him at the same time. I have become more accepting, tolerable and patient because of 2015, and for that, I will also be fond of last year, but I will not miss it.
I look forward to helping Spawn on his path to success, and working with his new teacher to ensure his mind is adequately stimulated in the areas he excels in. I look forward to many years of trying to fully understand the complexities of raising a 2e child in a way that sees him able to live a happy, successful life.
I also look forward to the laughter, adventures and memories 2016 will bring, both with family and my amazing friends.
Much love.
- L. x
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